Health in Every Step
Li Yuk Sim is a regular at the Jockey Club Kwai Wah Health and Wellbeing Centre ("the Centre"), where she has been dealing with the debilitating effects of knee joint degeneration, experiencing severe pain with each step. Towards the end of last year, she noticed that the pain in her right knee had intensified to the point where it severely restricted her mobility, causing her significant frustration. Determined to tackle this issue, she decided to undergo knee replacement surgery and sought preoperative advice from the Centre's physiotherapists, utilizing the Centre’s Gerontechnology for exercise training as part of her pre-surgery muscle strengthening……

Guarded by Love, Be Together Forever
Mr. Lai is an elderly who suffers from a chronic illness, yet he dedicates himself to caring for his wife, acting as the family carer. He manages household cleaning, grocery shopping, meal preparation, and accompanies his wife to hospital appointments, helping her with various tasks……

Prevention Over Cure
Berlin (alias) is a young elderly who has been availing himself of the Chinese medicine services at the Organization’s Jockey Club Kwai Wah Health and Wellbeing Centre (“the Centre”) for eight years, primarily to manage occasional ailments and maintain overall health. Following the pandemic, during a visit prompted by a department staff’s suggestion, he and his wife joined a health programme. This programme included a health screening activity where a body composition analysis revealed that Berlin’s Body Mass Index (BMI) was above the normal range. Although not posing an immediate threat, it increased his risk of cardiovascular diseases in the future. In response to these findings, programme staff referred him to an Elderly Fitness Exercise Class. Under the guidance of physiotherapists and fitness trainers, he utilised the Centre’s advanced fitness equipment for training. After some time, both he and his wife noticed improved flexibility, stronger lower limb muscles, and significantly better walking stability……